اُشیم به عنوان بزرگترین فروشگاه آنلاین مواد شیمیایی, یکی از شرکت های مطرح در حوزه ی فروش مواد شیمیایی می باشد. شرکت اُشیم یک فروشگاه جامع در زمینه ی فروش مواد شیمیایی می باشد, به طوری که این فروشگاه سعی نموده است تا با فراهم نمودن طیف وسیعی از مواد شیمیایی, رضایت حداکثری را برای مشتریان و خریداران …

kimberlite kɛ̃.bɛʁ.lit féminin (Pétrographie) Roche ultramafique (riche en magnésium ou en fer), potassique et riche en éléments incompatibles, ainsi qu'en volatils (H 2 O et CO 2).La kimberlite est surtout connue pour ses qualités diamantifères.; Ce mélange s'est ensuite solidifié en une roche appelée kimberlite. — (Kathy Reichs, L'Ange du nord, 2014)

kimberlite A brecciated (see BRECCIA), potassic, ultrabasic igneous rock, consisting of megacrysts of olivine, enstatite, Cr-rich diopside, phlogopite, pyropealmandine garnet, and Mg-rich ilmenite, in a fine-grained groundmass of serpentine, phlogopite, carbonates, perovskite, and chlorite, in varying proportions.Kimberlites contain abundant xenoliths …

Kimberlite is a potassic to ultrapotassic ultramafic rock with inequigranular texture. It is a rare type of peridotite with many xenoliths and xenocrysts, including, on rare occasions, diamonds.For this reason, some authors refer to it as a complex hybrid rock. This rock was named after Kimberly in South Africa, where in 1887, Henry Carvill , …

Kimberlita de Ontario, Canadá.. La kimberlita es un tipo roca ígnea volcánica, potásica, conocida porque a veces contiene diamantes.Lleva el nombre de la ciudad de Kimberley, Sudáfrica, donde el descubrimiento de un diamante de 83,5 quilates (16,7 g) en 1871 dio lugar a una fiebre de diamantes, y con el tiempo a la excavación del Big Hole.. Imagen …

Diamond in kimberlite Kimberlite (Jericho Kimberlite, Middle Jurassic). Kimberlite is an igneous rock that major source of diamonds.Kimberlite is a variety of peridotite.It is rich in mica minerals content and often in form of crystals of phlogopite.Other containt abundant minerals are chrome-diopside, olivine, and chromium- and pyrope …

Le nom Kimberlite vient de la ville de Kimberley qui s'est développée autour des prolifiques mines de diamants du nord de l'Afrique du Sud. C'est là que Cecil Rhodes s'est établi pour consolider les mines en 1888, d'après le nom du fermier local dont les terres ont été découvertes. La partie supérieure de la fosse a été ...

Kimberlite is the name given to a silica-poor and magnesium-rich extrusive igneous rock (e.g., a volcanic rock) that contains major amounts of olivine, often serpentinized. It is a highly variable mixture of melt, minerals crystallizing from the melt, and foreign crystals and rock pieces. Kimberlite may occur in the field as dikes or pipes that …

Crater Facies Kimberlite; Diatreme Facies Kimberlite; Hypabyssal Facies Kimberlite; 1) Crater Facies Kimberlite . A morfologia da superfície de um kimberlito não-polimerizado é caracterizada por uma cratera, até 2 quilômetros de diâmetro, cujo piso pode ficar cem metros abaixo do nível do solo. A cratera é geralmente mais profunda no meio.