To elucidate the effects of particle size, grain size and mineral association on the flotation of sulphides, flotation products were first sized using a cyclosizer into three size intervals: +20, −20, +10 and −10 μm, and were then characterised using the Mineral Liberation Analyser (MLA). 3. Results3.1. WhatsApp: +86

commercially by flotation, over the years the industrial flotation of sulphides has grown impressively in size, complexity and importance. According to statistics 87 compiled recently by the United States Bureau of Mines, the largest tonnage of ores treated by flotation corresponds to sulphide ores, which also consume the

1. Introduction. The use of NaHSO 3 as a flotation depressant (Forssberg et al., 1993, Gül, 2007) is being practiced in selective flotation of sulphide minerals.The depressing effect of sodium bisulphite generally increases from copper sulphides to galena, pyrite and sphalerite (Peres, 1981).However, there is no common agreement about the depression …

Nickel-copper sulphide ores in Canada are in the category of complex sulphides since they are available with large quantities of pyrrhotite which is undesirable from an environmental point of view. ... (SMBS) or sodium sulphite with respect to the type of pyrrhotite. Recovery by size data reported on the flotation of Ni-Cu sulphide ore from ...

The flotation of sulphide-vapour aggregates is likely to occur in crustal ... drops have been demonstrated in many komatiitic bodies, dolerite dykes, and even the world-class Noril'sk-Talnakh Ni-Cu-PGE magmatic sulphide deposits (Barnes et al., 2019) in which the compound drops may further bear responsibility for the Permian-Triassic mass ...

This paper starts by reviewing the main geometallurgical properties of cobalt ores, with a particular focus on ore mineralogy which exerts a significant control over ore processing behaviour and cobalt extraction, such as the oxidation state, i.e. oxide or sulphides which drives the selection of the processing route (leaching vs flotation), and ...

Electrochemical flotation of sulphides: reactions of chalcocite in aqueous solution. International Journal of Mineral Processing, vol. 12, 1984, p. 55–72. Article Google Scholar Richardson P.E. and Walker G.W. The flotation of chalcocite, bornite, chalcopyrite, and pyrite in an electrochemical-flotation cell.

components, taken singly or jointly influence flotation of sulphides. In this work, the influence of main process water components of calcium and sulphate on chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite and pyrite flotation has been investigated through Hallimond flotation, zeta-potential and diffuse reflectance FTIR spectroscopy measurements using pure

The effects of the grinding method and grinding medium on the flotation performance of sulphide minerals have been reported in many literatures. In the current investigation, grinding and floatation experiments using mild steel and stainless steel rods were performed to examine the effect of grinding medium type and collector addition site on flotation …

In the case of collector induced flotation, six concentrates were collected at 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 4, and 6 min. For the other Ni–Cu sulfide ore sample from Timmins, eighth concentrates were skimmed off at 0.5, 0.5, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2 and 2 min, for a total flotation time of 12 min. Both tests were carried out at room temperature (19–21 °C).

Sulphide Mineral Flotation A New Insight Into Oxidation Mechanisms Alireza Javadi ISSN: 1402-1757 ISBN 978-91-7439-592-1 (tryckt) ISBN 978-91-7439-593-8 (pdf) ... the oxidation of sulphide minerals and dissolution of non-ferrous metal sulphides in the presence of ferrous sulphide besides the galvanic interactions.

The selective sequential flotation of these Cu–Ni–PGM ores is made complex by various processing challenges, such as the successful separation of the Cu–Ni–PGMs from non-sulfide naturally floatable gangue and pyrrhotite. Reagents such as sodium isobutyl xanthate (SIBX) and sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) have proven to ...

Flotation results showed that the combined effect of Ca(ClO) ... a combined inhibitory effect of calcium hypochlorite and dextrin on flotation behaviors of pyrite and galena sulphides was investigated through microflotation experiments, adsorption measurements and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. ... Zhangyuan Ni: Resources. Fei ...

A new method for the treatment of Ni-Cu sulphides ores from the Sudbury region by differential flotation is presented. The method exploits the ease of chalcopyrite floatability in complete or virtual absence of collector, but in the presence of sulphur dioxide, an effective complexing agent such as diethylenetriamine (DETA) and a frother.

Introduction. Wet milling in ball mills followed by flotation is the general practice employed in the beneficiation of copper sulphide ores in which the major minerals of commercial significance typically are chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2), bornite (Cu 5 FeS 4), covellite (CuS) and chalcocite (Cu 2 S). The flotation response of ground minerals can be influenced by the …

Grinding conditions affect the flotation of copper sulphide minerals as changes in the properties of the grinding media and their interactions with the sulphide minerals, and between sulphide minerals themselves, affect the chemical environment in the flotation pulp. Galvanic interactions between steel grinding media and sulphide minerals, and between sulphide …

a finely disseminated nature, most of the loss in the important role in determining the flotation of fines of . flotation of the 8SOfo -44-jlm feed is in the -Si.lm size these minerals. fraction.1 The problem of loss of finely disseminated " values during the processing of sulphides has been ~-'[MA11( ~ROP£R11£S OF FIN[S

During flotation the deleterious effect of active carbonaceous matter includes difficult separation from sulphides due to similar flotation response, while during gold extraction active carbonaceous matter can adsorb on surfaces of leached gold (preg robbing), hence reducing gold recovery (Pugh, 1989, Afenya, 1991, Pyke et al., 1999, Allan and ...

Aaltonen et al. (1980) studied the dissolution of a bulk Ni- Cu concentrate grading 5.4% Ni and 1.5% Cu in sulfuric acid and ammoniacal solutions at ambient pressure, the concentrate being produced from flotation of a serpentinitic low-grade Ni- Cu ore. Only a single leach test was performed under fixed

and colloidal chemistry, the selective depression of millerite by natural polysaccharide in Cu-Ni sulphides flotation separation and the activation of millerite flotation by copper (II) ions were fundamentally studied. Polysaccharides have been applied widely in the sulphide mineral flotation as depressants.

addition on flotation performance of a nickel sulphide ore. The objectives of the study were to: 1. develop an understanding of the effects of collector and depressant dosage, and its interactive effects, on flotation performance and 2. determine the effect of stage dosing collector and depressant on flotation performance.

A major problem stemming from the existence of PGMs together with BMS is that, a loss of BMS during flotation will be accompanied by a loss of valuable minerals (PGMs) associated with the sulphides (Vermaak et al., 2004, Wiese et al., 2005, Mphela, 2010) Therefore, there is a need to investigate ways to improve the flotation performance of the ...