Unitel LLC has been providing services under the Beeline Uzbekistan trademark since September 12, 2006. As part of VEON Ltd., Beeline Uzbekistan employs 1.9 thousand people. VEON is a digital operator providing connectivity and digital services to nearly 160 mln customers, transforming lives through technology-driven services that empower …
The Beeline Certified Strategic Partnership Program is an exclusive certification program only available for select Beeline MSP partners. It provides mutual customers assurances that both partners will offer excellent service and technology to them. The certification includes robust technology training, as well as agreeing on a joint ...
Rechargez votre plan prépayé Beeline sur Recharge. Il suffit de quelques tapotements ! Nous savons combien il est frustrant de ne pas avoir assez de crédit. Juste au moment où vous avez besoin d'appeler votre mère, d'envoyer un SMS à votre ami ou de chercher quelque chose en ligne. Avec Recharge, vous pouvez recharger votre ...
Discover why Beeline is an investment worth making. For more than 20 years, Beeline has empowered businesses to achieve competitive advantages with their extended workforce. Our products give you visibility, cost savings, and more. Learn how you can benefit from tailored solutions that solely focus on the complexities of the workforce.
8 October 2020 - Beeline, a global leader in software solutions for managing the non-employee workforce, announced today that Alexander Mann Solutions a leading global talent solutions provider, has been named the first Beeline Certified Strategic Partner in EMEA.. The Beeline Strategic Partner Certification Programme is an exclusive …
JACKSONVILLE, FLA., March 9, 2022 –Beeline, the independent leader in software solutions for sourcing and managing the global extended workforce, today announced a second consecutive year of record-breaking growth. In 2021, the company implemented its industry-leading solutions for 80 new and existing customers. In just two years, Beeline …