Jira could not complete this action due to a missing form token. ... Request URL : /secure/WorkflowUIDispactcher.jspa. The original input has been captured and you can retry the operation. Answer. Watch. Like # people like this . Share. LinkedIn; Twitter; Email; Copy Link; 30688 views. 25 answers 1 accepted 2 votes .
A few things to note: Each action element has an alias attribute, which is the part of the URL that you see in a web browser. The name element is the name of the Java class that is used by the alias. The name of the view element is the String returned from the action to decide which view to show after the action is invoked. The name of the …
Você pode adicionar gadgets a partir de aplicativos Atlassian Confluence, tais como, JIRA e outros. Você também pode adicionar gadgets de outros sites como o iGoogle. Muitos gadgets público funcionará em um painel Atlassian. Alguns gadgets podem contar com recursos específicos do iGoogle que não vai funcionar corretamente em painéis ...