A copy of this presentation will be posted on Perilya's website at www. perilya.au. For Further Information: Darryl Edwards Company Secretary Perilya Limited ACN 009 193 695 Phone: 61 8 6210 2018 Background to Perilya Perilya Limited is a base metal mining company. Perilya owns and operates the Broken Hill zinc, lead and silver mine in New
Our Business. Perilya is an Australian base and precious metals mining and exploration company which owns and operates the iconic Southern Operations zinc, lead and silver mine in Broken Hill New South Wales, the Potosi/Silver Peak zinc, lead, silver mine in Broken Hill and the Cerro de Maimón Copper, Gold and Silver mine in the Dominican Republic.
Perilya Limited is an Australian base metals mining and exploration company. Perilya is the operator of the Broken Hill zinc, lead, silver mine in NSW and the Flinders zinc silicate project in South Australia. The Company's operations at the iconic Broken Hill mine went through a resizing in 2008 which has resulted in significant improvement ...
PERILYA LIMITED PAGE 1 of 2 30 October 2013 FIRB Approval for Zhongjin Lingnan's Proposed cash offer to acquire Perilya for $0.35 per share Base & precious metals miner, Perilya Limited ("Perilya") (ASX code: PEM), advises that the proposed Scheme of Arrangement whereby Zhongjin Lingnan (HK) Company Limited ("Zhongjin Lingnan"), a wholly owned subsidiary
Perilya is an Australian base and precious metals mining and exploration company, which owns and operates the iconic Broken Hill zinc, lead, silver mine in NSW Australia and, with the successful takeover of GlobeStar Mining Corporation in December 2010, the Cerro de Maimón copper, gold & silver mine in the Dominican Republic.
Perilya is a leading Australian base metals mining and exploration company and is in the top 20 of global producers for zinc and the top 10 for lead production.Perilya Limited is an ASX 200 Australian base metals mining and exploration company. Perilya is investing substantially in the development of its three major projects located in the ...
MINING OPERATIONS PLAN - AMENDMENT 1 PERILYA BROKEN HILL LIMITED Report No. 938/08 Broken Hill North Mine 9 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 SCOPE AND FORMAT 1.1.1 Scope This Mining Operations Plan (MOP) for activities at the Broken Hill North Mine (the Mine) within Consolidated Mining Leases (CML) 4 and 5 has been prepared by R.W. Corkery & Co.
PERILYA BROKEN HILL LIMITED ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT STATEMENT Broken Hill North Mine Section 1 – Introduction Report No. 938/04 1-8 1.4 EXISTING MINERAL AUTHORITIES, IDENTIFIED RESOURCE AND PRODUCTS 1.4.1 Existing Mineral Authorities and Approvals Figure 1.1 presents all mineral authorities held by the Applicant in the vicinity of Broken Hill.
The Broken Hill ore body is "world class", having produced more than 200 million tonnes of ore over the 120 years since mining commenced in 1885. This long history in mining has endowed Perilya with well developed infrastructure that has the capacity and flexibility to operate at higher volumes and with a range of ore sources.
The company's shares are listed on the Australian Securities Exchange Limited ASX code: PEM corporate directory Perilya Limited ("Perilya") is an Australian mining and exploration company. Perilya limited ABN: 85 009 193 695 annual General meeting The Annual General Meeting of Perilya Limited will be held at the Conference Suite, Level 8,
The latest Perilya articles from Mining Magazine - Page 1. DIGITAL MAGAZINE; About; CONTACT US; Founded by Herbert Hoover in 1909. Sign In Log out; Newsletter signup; Subscribe; Home; Equipment. Surface; ... The transition from labour-intensive underground mining in Africa to modern, high-tech is picking up. 12 June 2015. FROM OUR PARTNERS ...
Perilya | 3,239 followers on LinkedIn. Perilya Limited is a leading Australian base metals mining and exploration company. Perilya owns and operates the iconic Broken Hill silver, lead and zinc mines in New South Wales including the Southern Operations, Potosi Operations and North Mine. Perilya's Operations also include the Cerro de Maimón Copper, Gold and Silver mine in the …
He has continued to work at the Broken Hill mine through various changes of ownership and commenced employment with Perilya in 2002.has a wealth of local mining knowledge and experience, a highly developed operational skill set and is a well-regarded mining executive and a long standing employee of the Company.
Perilya are summarised in Table 1. PAGE 3 of 5 PERILYA LIMITED. Table 1: Summary of Previous Resource Estimates . Estimate. Tonnes. Pb % Zn % ... Bulk density values were calculated based on a regression formula of Pb+Zn grades. The formula was ... Perilya Limited is an ASX 200 Australian base metals mining and exploration company.