Phytomining (PM) is defined as the process of using plants capable of bio-extracting metals from soil in order to explore them economically. This relatively new, innovative method has been gathering significant attention in both the academic and commercial domains. Conventional mining methods are often economically unviable …
Phytomining nennt sich das und könnte ein lukratives Geschäft sein. Für die Gewinnung von Nickel gibt es bereits eine funktionierende Technologie, um das Metall aus Pflanzen zu gewinnen. Doch dieses Verfahren liegt zurzeit brach. Die Firma, die das Patent daran hält, nutzt die Technologie nicht. "Vermutlich ist der Preis für Nickel zurzeit ...
To reap the maximum potential of both soil and plant cultivation yields from chosen metal crop, it is necessary to draw conclusions from lab and field tests (Bani et al. 2015; Robinson et al. 2003).In the practice of phytomining, mainly metalliferous plants are used to obtained metals from toxic soils and then either processed into pure metals or …
remediating the soil. A variation in phytoextraction is phytomining (PM). Phytomining is the process under which plants are used to extract ("mine") valuable inorganic elements from soil in a natural or in an induced manner for the specific purpose of financial gain after valorizing the produced biomass. The difference between PM and ...