A reaction occurs in the filter tank containing the Birm media where insoluble ferric hydroxide forms and gets trapped into the filter media. The reaction between the dissolved oxygen and the iron compounds creates rust and iron particles that get stuck to Birm. With regular backwashing, these oxidized impurities easily wash off from the media ...
Fine Birm is recommended for domestic application or in cases where the available backwash water is limited. Bed expansion of 35 to 50% in backwash is required for best results. 12 to15 GPM per square foot are required for backwashing regular Birm.8 to 10 CPM per square foot are required for fine Birm. REGULAR BIRM Â Order No. A8006.
backwash water which contacts Birm media may inhibit iron or manganese removal or may break down or coat Birm media. Chlorination greatly reduces Birm's activity. High concentrations of chlorine compounds may deplete the catalytic coating. Polyphosphates are known to coat Birm and reduce Birm's ability to remove iron or …
An overview of birm, a medium used in water treatment for the removal of iron and manganese. Pure Water Products, LLC. Box 2783, Denton, TX 76202 | (888) ... It is now most often used with sand and other media in multi-media filters. Birm: Density (lb/ft³): 46 Bed depth (inches): 30-36 Service flow (gpm/ft²): 3.5-5
Birm is used to remove dissolved iron and manganese. The Ph must be above 6.8 and dissolved oxygen content must be equal to 15% of the iron and manganese content. No regeneration is required, only periodic backwashing. Birm is an efficient and economical media for the reduction of dissolved iron and manganese compounds from raw water …
In plain English, as water containing iron flows through the media, if there is enough oxygen in the water, the Birm causes the iron to form rust, or solid iron particles. After these rust particles get trapped in the filter media, once or twice a week they are automatically backwashed out to drain, and the filter media is ready to filter again. Q.
Birm acts as an insoluble catalyst to enhance the reaction between dissolved oxygen (D.O.) and iron compounds. Eventually, oxidized solids will begin to coat the surface of the filter media and will need to be backwashed or vigorously rinsed to remove any sticky residue and clean the filter media back to its original state. Like all other Iron ...
Birm® is an efficient and economical media for the reduction of dissolved iron and manganese compounds from raw water supplies. It may be used in either gravity fed or pressurized water treatment systems. Birm acts as an insoluble catalyst to enhance the reaction between dissolved oxygen (D.O.) and the iron
Clack Birm® is a granular filter media commonly used for the reduction of iron and/or manganese from water supplies. ADVANTAGES • Under the proper conditions, no chemicals to purchase for maintenance. Regeneration not required. • Iron removal efficiency is extremely high. • Negligible labour cost: only periodic backwas