Molybdenite is the predominant natural occurrence of molybdenum metal. Talc is a frequently occurring mineral that is commonly found in association with molybdenite, and these two minerals are often found in close proximity to each other [2]. Due to the comparable buoyancy characteristics of molybdenite and talc, as well as the fine particle ...

Copper-molybdenum flotation plants usually implement two sequential circuits to produce copper and molybdenum concentrates. In the first circuit, copper and molybdenum minerals are recovered as a bulk concentrate, while in the second circuit, copper sulphides are separated from molybdenite (Amelunxen and Amelunxen, 2009).In the flotation of copper …

Molybdenite flotation is strongly depressed by the NS-FLOC, and to a lesser extent by MS-FLOC; however, molybdenite flotation is only slightly affected by SS-FLOC. The results obtained in this work show that the depressing effect of PAM on the flotation of molybdenite takes place only if this flocculant is sheared at moderate shearing conditions.

In this paper molybdenite flotation using microemulsified collector was reported. The flotation performance of microemulsified collector and conventional diesel was compared. This study is a preliminary investigation which uses pure molybdenite mineral in a modified Hallimond tube. The pH tests showed that the highest recovery of molybdenite in the presence …

molybdenite mineral during comminution; and as the particle size decreases, this orientation increases. Thus, during comminution, molybdenite is broken into two different surfaces. The surfaces are created by breaking S-S bonds (nonpolar surfaces), and the surfaces result from the rupture of strong Mo-S bonds. Since the van der Waals bond is ...

Molybdenum (Mo) and copper (Cu) sources are important strategic metals. Approximately 75 % of the Cu and 50 % of the Mo originate from porphyry Cu and Mo ores, and they predominantly occur in the forms of chalcopyrite (CuFeS 2) and molybdenite (MoS 2), respectively [1], [2].Chalcopyrite and molybdenite are easily co-concentrated from porphyry …

Molybdenite is usually associated with chalcopyrite and other sulfide minerals, which troubles the efficient utilization of Mo resources. Flotation using various surfactants is a key technology to solve the problem. In this work, acetoacetamide (CSD2) is used as a novel depressant to realize the selective separation of molybdenite from ...

The 187 Re-187 Os β-decay system habilitates direct dating of sulfide mineralization events, and is a critical tool for studies of ore–forming processes. Molybdenite (MoS 2) is the most attractive target for Re-Os dating due to high partitioning of Re, negligible "common" Os, and resistance to metamorphic resetting (Stein et al. 2001; Selby and Creaser …

The Sarcheshmeh copper deposit contains 1 billion tonnes of ore averaging 0.7% copper and 0.025% molybdenum. It is located southeast of Iran in Kerman province and currently processes 41,000 t/d.Molybdenum in the form of Molybdenite (MoS 2) is recovered from copper concentrate as a by-product in two stages.First, a bulk flotation concentrate of copper and …

Molybdenite and talc mineral samples were purchased from Yunbaozhai Co. Ltd. Yunnan, China. The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and multi element chemical analyses of the monominerals are shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1.The molybdenite sample had a purity of 97.92 wt%, assuming that all the molybdenum was derived from MoS 2 while the purity of the talc …

In-situ mineral geochemistry is more accurate than whole-rock geochemistry in constraining the age and genesis of rocks and mineralisation (Jackson et al., 1992, Smith et al., 2009, Zhang and Zhou, 2017, Codeço et al., 2021, Song et al., 2022).Molybdenite is an ideal mineral for Re-Os dating and also can be analysed accurately for trace elements (Plotinskaya …

Molybdenite is a natural mineral form of molybdenum disulfide (MoS 2) and the most important commercial source of molybdenum (Wills, 2011).Molybdenite exhibits a laminar crystalline structure (common 2H polytype) as shown in Fig. 1.As can be seen, the S Mo S layers are held together by weak van der Waals interactions and are capable of slipping over each …

Since molybdenite (MoS 2) and silicate (assayed in the form of SiO 2) jointly contributed to more than 95% mass content for all concentrate samples, the higher grade of SiO 2 present in the concentrate, the lower grade of Mo. Therefore, the depression of molybdenite can be specifically due to the inadvertent flotation of the silicates.

Primary ore: The molybdenite recovery is the only goal; B y-product ore : In which the recovery of copper ore is the main target, molybdenum recovery provides additional economic value; S ymbiotic product ore : The commercial viability of the mine requires that both molybdenite and copper-bearing minerals be recovered.

Molybdenite flotation in the bulk copper/molybdenum flotation circuit at Kennecott Utah Copper was studied by means of a combination of plant metallurgical surveys, laboratory flotation tests, mineralogical analysis (QEM-Scan), surface analysis (ToF-SIMS) and contact angle measurements. It was demonstrated that molybdenite recovery is influenced by flotation …

Molybdenum (Mo) is an important metal that widely used in metallurgical industry (Romano et al., 2001). In nature, Mo normally exists in Mo-bearing minerals such as molybdenite (MoS 2), jordisite (amorphous MoS 2) and powellite (CaMoO 4) (Das et al., 2016), among which, MoS 2 is the primary source of Mo (Valenzuela et al., 1995). Conventional methods for Mo …

The mechanical activation was applied as a pre-treatment method to improve molybdenite (MoS 2) leaching.The effects of grinding ball size, ball to powder mass ratio, milling speed and time, molar ratio of mineral to oxidants, as well as the influence of solution pH, temperature and leaching time were investigated in detail.

Molybdenite has excellent natural surface hydrophobicity and is easy to float but difficult to depress. Therefore, to improve the recovery of molybdenite, a copper-molybdenum flotation process is generally employed in order to maximize the recovery of chalcopyrite and molybdenite (Semushkina et al., 2022, Yang et al., 2021, Yan et al., 2020).

Minerals Engineering. The quality of recycled process water is an important issue in the flotation of Cu–Mo ores. Processing of Cu–Mo ores includes two steps: a bulk flotation where molybdenite is recovered together with Cu sulfides, and a subsequent selective flotation step where molybdenite is separated from depressed copper sulfides.

Molybdenite (MoS 2) is a naturally hydrophobic mineral with anisotropic surface properties.Its floatability is influenced by a number of factors such as, particle size and shape, face/edge ratio, degree of crystallization, face heterogeneity, pH, etc. Molybdenite is floated by using oily collectors, and its recovery is strongly affected by slime coating phenomena.

Flotation is the most common method of separating talc from molybdenite. However, due to the layered structure and strong natural hydrophobicity of both talc and molybdenite, the effective separation of them is still a challenging problem (Burdukova et al., 2007).As a result, the high content of MgO in molybdenite concentrate cannot meet the …

Molybdenite can be the only mineralization in a single ore body, but it often co-exists with other metals, especially copper. The molybdenum (Mo) content of various ore bodies is between 0.01-0.25%. If molybdenum ore is close to the surface, open-pit mining technology is used to dig the overburden to expose the ore body for easy mining.

Molybdenite in the Aitik deposit and its southern extension was studied through mineralogical/chemical analysis and laboratory flotation tests. It is demonstrated that molybdenite varies considerably in grain size, ranging from coarse (>20 μm) to very fine (<2 μm) and occurs predominantly as single grains in the groundmass of the rocks, as grain aggregates, and …