Title: Crash from Teleport Pipe GUI Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Java Version: JRE7u4 64-bit Description of Problem: Whenever I take damage with a teleport gui open (has happened with power, item, and waterproof teleport pipes), my client goes to dirt screen, then white ...
Launcher/pack Version:3.0.4 Operating System:xp 32-bit Version of Java:jre7 Description of Problem:as the title suggests i am having some issues with modifyworld since the new update i have been searching round seen a few other posts with similar problem but no cure, i have all the permissions se...
Title: ic2 macarator/rotary macerator and compressor/singularity compressor not working Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: windows 7 Java Version: 7 Description of Problem: ic2 macarator/rotary macerator and compressor/singularity compressor not working they dont get the energy i have tried a lot off diffe...
Hello everyone, I installed the latest version of tekkit (3.0.4) and tried to boot up the server but it came up with a bunch of severe errors and froze so i looked in my java program files folder and saw 3 types of java: (jre6, jre7 + jdk1.7.0). I tried deleting the jre6 folder and booting up the...
Version 1.0.950. Posted 1 year ago. 1.0.950 Pi Bugs are great, everyone loves them, also I improved some things <:3 [Mod Additions: - Galacticraft Legacy - HT's TreeChop - Modern Splash CLIENTSIDE - NormalASM (Will start fixing issues as they come up.) - NVLForcefields (Removing this corrupts worlds.) - Roughly Enough IDs (The modpack …
Version 0.990. Posted 4 years ago. An update that does things, basically. Added: - RLTweaker to fix random bugs n stuff, moor performance? yey! Updated: - BasicNetherOres fixes some language stuffs that could cause crashin. - CCTweaked 1.89.2 fixes a lil dupe bug involvin a turtle thingy. - CraftTweaker2 …
The bug involves shift-clicking interactions with the Disk Drive. Shift-clicking an item out of the drive, and shift-clicking another item, will create a sort of 'ghost' version of the first item. The 'ghost' item will disappear when trying to stack or when held when attempting a right-click oper...