Kenya has for the second time won a Sh200 billion case against Cortec Mining Kenya Limited and Stirling Capital Limited over revocation of their licence in 2013. The two wanted the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) to overturn a 2018 tribunal decision, which found the license was a protected investment.

The Tribunal cannot accept the notion in response to DPR 5, DPR 29 and DPR 49 that important state agencies such as the PMLC and the TAC exercised economically significant state powers in relation to mining licences without statutory or regulatory authority following procedures contained in regulations or bylaws or other formal instruments.

Cortec Mining Kenya Ltd, Cortec (pty) Ltd and Stirling Capital Ltd had sued the government, following the revocation of a mining licence in 2013 by President Kenyatta's Jubilee administration. The licence had been awarded on March 7, two days after the 2013 elections, following reported political lobbying of outgoing officials in President ...

This data is identified by the witnesses Mr. David Anderson (Managing Director of Claimants Cortec Mining Kenya Limited and Cortec (Pty) Ltd.) and Mr. Darren Townsend (formerly President and Chief Executive Officer of the parent company of Claimants Stirling Capital Limited and Cortec (Pty) Ltd.) as part of their "due diligence" for the ...

5. The responses to the motion came thick and fast from the CS and AG and shortly afterwards, from the other respondents. The CS and AG clarified that the revocation was not limited to Cortec but was directed at all mining licenses issued between January and August 2013, in all affecting about 43 licensees without discrimination.

Contact; Data Use Policy; Resources; ENVJUSTICE; ACKnowl-EJ; EJOLT; Featured Maps See all featured maps; Country Maps; Company Maps; Commodity Maps; Login Email Password Help. Environmental Justice Atlas . Cortec Mining Kenya Ltd. AR; CN; EN; ES; FR; IT; TR; Legend Environmental Conflicts of Cortec Mining Kenya Ltd. Legal notice / Aviso legal ...

The appellant, Cortec a Canadian mining company had applied to the Court Appeal to have a decision by the High Court of Kenya overturned. The respondents argued that there were several sectors and factors which were not granted proper representation and consideration when the decision to grant Cortec with a mining license for prospecting and exploration.

2. The parties are, on the one hand, the Republic of Kenya (the Respondent or Kenya), and, on the other hand, the Claimants in the original arbitration proceedings: Cortec Mining Kenya Limited (CMK), Cortec (Pty) Limited (Cortec), and Stirling Capital Limited (Stirling) (together, the Applicants or the Claimants). CMK is organized under the laws

Claimants Cortec Mining Kenya Limited and Cortec (Pty) Ltd.) and Mr. Darren Townsend (formerly President and Chief Executive Officer of the parent company of Claimants Stirling Capital Limited and Cortec (Pty) Ltd.) as part of their "due diligence" for the Mrima Hill project. The Claimants are to produce the data referred to in Item 4.

Cortec Mining Kenya Limited, Cortec (Pty) Limited and Stirling Capital Limited v. Republic of Kenya, ICSID Case No. ARB/15/29 ... the contact details are: Ms. Aïssatou Diop . Ms. Kendra Magraw . 701 18th Street, N.W. ("J Building") 2nd Floor . ... Company . About Us; Our Mission; Careers; Contact Us;

The Applicant in response to the affidavit sworn by IQbal Bayusuf of Basu Mining Company Limited denies that Basu Mining Ltd has any rights whatsoever over the area in respect whereof the Applicant was issued with the Special Mining License number 351 on 7th March 2013, averring that only the Commissioner of Mines and Geology is empowered to ...

In Cortec v.Kenya, Footnote 1 an investor-state arbitral tribunal established under a bilateral investment treaty (BIT) held it lacked jurisdiction to hear a dispute concerning a mining project that the tribunal found did not comply with domestic environmental law. The award raises significant issues of public international law, including how questions of investor compliance are …

Cortec Mining Kenya Limited, Cortec (Pty) Limited and Stirling Capital Limited . v. Republic of Kenya (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/29) Annulment Proceeding . PROCEDURAL ORDER NO. 4 . On Post-Hearing Procedural Matters . Members of the Committee . Mr. D. Brian King, President of the ad hoc Committee . Mr. Cavinder Bull, SC, Member of the ad hoc Committee

Cortec Mining Kenya Limited v Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Mining, Atteorney General, National Environmentalmanagement Authority (Nema), Basu Mining Ltd, Kenya Forest Service, National Museums of Kenya, Mshenga Vuyaa Ruga, Benson Kioko Mulangili, Mutheaus Mutinda Mutua & County Government of Kwale (Environment & Land Case 195 of 2014) …

Others were Bootcut Mining Company Ltd, Garsesala Mining Company Ltd, Cortec Mining Kenya Ltd, Ablun Mining Company Ltd, Anods Enterprises Company and Bosmans Investments Ltd. ... contact info +254 719 060 000; [email protected] Maalim Juma Road Off Dennis Pritt Road our Products ...