Drawing on findings from multiple qualitative studies in Ghana, we found that the one 'small-scale' mining licence regime was problematic and took no account of the diverse environmental impacts, the safety concerns, and the uneven economic returns from the various mining methods (alluvial, underground, and surface/open-pit mining) employed ...
Studies show that artisanal small-scale mining (ASM) activities are often unregulated and have led to the destruction of the environment in diverse ways (Baah-Ennumh, 2010; Hilson, 2017; Hilson & Maconachie, 2020; Veiga & Morais, 2014).The problems relating to ASM such as the excessive use of dangerous chemicals, water pollution, poor health and …
Artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) plays a significant socio-economic role in the alleviation of poverty. In Ghana, the increase in and persistence of illegal ASM (galamsey) can be explained by unemployment, cumbersome and costly registration, lack of land, corruption and Chinese engagement.Traditionally, Ghanaian governments have neglected to address ASM activities …
Furthermore, the mining industry's concentration on water use, particularly for small-scale miners, ignores the legacy impacts of such mines or the long-term effects of small-scale mining. Even for SSMs, it is suggested that there be an imposed aspect on the concurrent treatment and reusability of water with mining operations.
Small Scale Mining and the Environment in Zimbabwe: 185: The Case of Alluvial Gold Panning and Chromite Mining: Oliver Maponga: ... Practical Action Publishing Ltd, Company Reg. No. 1159018, England, VAT No. GB 880 9924 76 is the wholly owned publishing arm of Practical Action, Reg. Charity No. 247257, and trades only in support of its parent ...
Scholars have examined the often 'illegal' status of artisanal and small-scale miners in Africa from a range of perspectives. Yet there is scope for further research on understandings of this 'illegal' character, which do not only include violations of the national legal framework for mining, but are also linked to broader (perceived) matters of criminality; miners themselves are …
Ghana legalised small-scale mining in 1989 when the government passed the 'Small-Scale Gold Mining Law', 'Mercury Law' and the 'Precious Minerals and Marketing Corporation Law'. As Aryee et al. (2003) point out, the law now requires prospective small-scale miners to secure licenses, which Ghanaian nationals aged 18 years or older ...
ARM Alliance for Responsible Mining ASGM artisanal and small-scale gold mining ASM artisanal and small-scale mining ASM18 International Conference on Artisanaland Small-scale Mining & Quarrying AWIMA Africa Women in Mining Association BGI Better Gold Initiative BGR Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaftenund Rohstofe
Keywords Ghana, illegal mining, artisanal small-scale mining, government, environmental sustainability Introduction Studies show that artisanal small-scale mining (ASM) activities are often unregulated and have led to the destruction of the environment in diverse ways (Baah-Ennumh, 2010; Hilson, 2017; Hilson & Maconachie, 2020; Veiga & Morais ...
One main strategy to regulate the small-scale mining sector is to enforce institutions and legislative instruments. North (1990, 3) defines institutions as "the rules of the game in a society, or more formally, are the humanly devised constraints that shape human interaction … they structure incentives in human exchange, whether political, social, or …
The proliferation of illegal mining in Ghana, coupled with its environmental impacts, especially on water bodies has compelled the government to ban all artisanal small-scale mining (ASM) activities in the country. The ban is intended to promote environmental sustainability while the government takes steps to provide sustainable health, and environmental-friendly ASM in Ghana.
Research literature has underscored the growing engagement of youth in artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM). However, no published study has explicitly investigated the symbiotic exchanges on how youth in ASM transfer acquired knowledge and practical skills to educational settings and how they in turn transfer their acquired knowledge in higher …
Small scale mining. There are major challenges ahead for small-scale mining in South Africa. With the advent of the new Minerals and Petroleum Resources Development Act in 2002, many previously disadvantaged South Africans have begun to see small-scale mining as a way to a new life. The government has, through the former Department of Minerals ...
Artisanal mining (AM) activities are generally seen as a source of concern owing to their illegality and the environmental pollution that they cause, but in recent years it has been demonstrated that gold mining can be performed on a small-scale mining (SSM) in a responsible way outside of the artisanal dimension. A previous study by the same authors demonstrated …
The research findings indicate that small-scale mining plays a crucial role in the value chain of critical minerals, significantly contributing to local and national economies. In Brazil, for instance, small-scale mining is responsible for a substantial portion of the country's production of critical minerals like niobium and lithium.
The paper proposes a practical methodology for the evaluation of the minimal reserve to be proved, based on mining and processing CAPEX and OPEX. ... also indicate that "small-scale mining meets both the rapid customization with the necessities of the market and the technological and financial flexibility to adapt to the lower grades of the ...
Artisanal and Small-scale Mining (ASM) continues to grow in many resource-rich rural communities. Recent estimates underscore this growth: 40.5 million people were directly engaged in ASM in 2017, up from 30 million in 2014, 13 million in 1999 and 6 million in 1993 (IGF, 2017).With particular reference to gold production, the numbers indicate that ASM production …
These are all signals of a future development of small-scale mining in precious metals, especially gold, along the next decades". In the same study it is concluded that "efficiency in productivity is the main path to turn an ASM unit into a sustainable and profitable Small-Scale industrial extractive unit".