Incorporating quarry dust in soil stabilization provides an opportunity to address these environmental concerns while potentially improving the geotechnical properties ... properties of cement stabilised white clay-quarry dust mixtures. For white clays classified under A-7-5, it was observed that optimum mixtures can be obtained for
The present study aimed to investigate the effect of Limestone Calcined Clay Cement (LC 3) on the stabilization of clay soils for applications in road construction. Clay soil was mixed with quarry dust to reduce the clay content and save cement. The mixture was stabilized using LC 3 and OPC separately in proportions of 1 %, 3 % and 5 %. The ...
Weak Soil Stabilization using Different Admixtures- A Comparitive Study . × ... Jayapal.J(2014).,Stabilization of korattur clay with quarry dust for effective utilization in flexible pavement, International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology,Vol.3 Issue 9,p.462-468. 8. Anonymous:IS: 2720 (Part 16) – 1987. Laboratory determination ...
Quarry dust proved to be a promising substitute for sand and can be used to improve the engineering properties of soils. The dry density increased with the addition of quarry dust with attendant decrease in the optimum moisture content. The Quarry Dust used was collected from a RMC (ARASUR) Figure 4.3 Quarry Dust 5.0 Properties of Clay Soil
Quarry dust exhibit high shear strength for the benefit of Geotechnical material. Egg Shell powder composition is similar to that of lime so it increases the soil stabilization. In this project sample of clay in Neelambur (Coimbatore) made the basic test for that soil sample. After analyzing the properties from the sample, Quarry dust has been ...
proportion of quarry dust as 10% and 20% by weight of cement, it has been observed that the optimum replacement level of cement using quarry dust as a stabilization material is about 10%. From the experimental investigation conducted, the following conclusions can be made: 1) It was found that the mix which contains laterite soil
with addition of 5%, 10% and 15 % of Quarry Dust to soil sample after result analysis, obtained keeping Quarry Dust 15% constant and addition of Foundry sand 5%, 10%, 15% and 20%. After test results the maximum CBR Value found at 15% Quarry Dust and 15% Foundry Sand. Dumping of these waste materials is
When poor quality soil is available at the construction site, the best option is to modify the properties of the soil. This has managed to the improvement of the soil stabilization techniques.The feasibility of using quarry dust to investigate the possibility of stabilization of soil using lime and quarry dust. Soil stabilization incorporates the various methods employed for …
From the experimental results, addition of the Quarry dust to the soil reduces the clay content and thus increases the percentage of coarser particles, reduces the Liquid limit by 26.86% and plasticity index by 28.48% of unmodified soil and OMC of soil is decreased by 36.71%, Maximum dry density of soil is increased by 5.88% by addition of (40% ...
This study proposes a novel approach by integrating geopolymerized bagasse ash (GBA) and geopolymerized quarry dust (GQD) along with shredded facemasks (FM) for the balanced amelioration of fat clay. Extensive geotechnical testing and mineralogical and microstructural analyses were conducted to assess the performance of the proposed multi …
Performance of Recron-3S Fiber with Quarry Dust in Expansive Soil Stabilization P. Sai Venkata Bharath1, K. Jyothi Raju2, Dr. D S V Prasad3, ... samples, unconfined compressive strength of Clay soil is increased by 7 times with admixture stabilization and 9 times for admixture with fiber modification with respect to plain
3.1 MDD and OMC for Intermediate Compressibility Clay (C) - Quarry Dust Mixes. Figure 12(a) and (b) represent the variation of MDD and OMC respectively with quarry dust content of different gradations for various intermediate compressibility clay-quarry dust mixes. It was observed that with increase in respective quarry dust content in mixes C-Q1, C-Q3 and C …
Proper waste disposal is of great importance in both rural and urban areas. This study discussed the suitability of waste material that is quarry dust for stabilization of expansive soil. Quarry dust is mixed with expansive soil sample in different proportions and their influence on geotechnical properties of expansive soil were studied.
Amount of clay content plays a major role in the variation of consistency limits. It is found that liquid limit decreases from 55% to 48% while the plastic limit reduces from 26% to 24% at the Quarry dust 20% Changes are marginal for MDD of quarry dust treated soil which is from 1.486 gm/cm3 to1.78 gm/cm3