This deposit belongs to the iron oxide copper-gold (IOCG) type copper deposits. Mineralization occurs in lenses within an elongate NW trending zone which is 100–200 m wide, nearly 2.5 km long and extending in depth to around 500 m (Ta 1975). 1.2.1. General petrographic characteristics of the principal rocks occurring in the IOCG Sin Quyen deposit

The field radiometric and laboratory measurements were performed at the Sin Quyen copper deposit in North Vietnam. The field gamma-ray spectrometry indicated the concentration of uranium ranging from 5.5 to 87 ppm, thorium from 5.6 to 33.2 ppm, and potassium from 0.3 to 4.7%. The measured dose rates ranged from 115 to 582 nGy/h, the …

The Sin Quyen iron oxide-copper–gold (IOCG) deposit in northwestern Vietnam contains a proven reserve of 52.8 Mt ores at 14% Fe, 0.91% Cu, 0.7% REEs (rare earth elements), and 0.44 g/t Au. REEs mineralization is hosted within Ca-silicate alteration zone and associated with Fe-Cu ore bodies in the gneiss, mica schist, and marble of the Upper ...

The reported identified resources for those 12 known deposits total about 23,000,000 t of copper and about 850 t of gold. The assessment area is estimated to contain nearly nine times as much copper in undiscovered porphyry copper deposits as has been identified to date. This report includes an overview of the assessment results and summary …

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) collaborated with the China Geological Survey (CGS) to conduct a mineral resource assessment of Mesozoic porphyry copper deposits in East Asia. This area hosts several very large porphyry deposits, exemplified by the Dexing deposit in eastern China that contains more than 8,000,000 metric tons of copper. In addition, …

The paper presents a 3D model of ore bodies of the Sin Quyen iron oxide copper-gold deposit in Lao Cai province, North Vietnam. To build 3D model we used the computer software MineScape and archival geological, geophysical data recorded from 146 boreholes, 21 tunnels and 216 trenches, including the data obtained from chemical and neutron instrumental activation …

The Nui Phao W-F-Cu-Au-Bi deposit is located in one of the poorest regions of northern Vietnam. The deposit is currently undergoing a pre-feasibility study by Tiberon Minerals Ltd., with a view to developing what would be the largest WO 3 mine and one of the five largest fluorite mines in the world. The project is being planned in close compliance with World Bank …

The Nui Phao W-F-Cu-Au-Bi deposit is located in one of the poorest regions of northern Vietnam. The deposit is currently undergoing a pre-feasibility study by Tiberon Minerals Ltd., with a view to developing what would be the largest WO3 mine and one of the five largest fluorite mines in the world. The project is being planned in close compliance with World Bank and national …

The U.S. Geological Survey collaborated with international colleagues to assess undiscovered resources in porphyry copper deposits in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt and eastern Tethysides. These areas host 20 known porphyry copper deposits, including the world class Oyu Tolgoi deposit in Mongolia that was discovered in the late 1990s.

Relationship between Selected Major, Minor, and Trace Elements in Iron Oxide–Copper–Gold Deposits, an Example from the Unique Sin Quyen Deposit (Lào Cai Province, North Vietnam) ... —We study the relations between several selected elements present in the Sin Quyen IOCG deposit, Lào Cai, North Vietnam, and interpret the obtained ...

Rare earth elements in the Sin Quyen IOCG deposit, North Vietnam. Chau, Nguyen Dinh; Pieczonka, Jadwiga; Piestrzyński, Adam; Phon, Le Khanh; Hao, Duong Van. ... This deposit belongs to the IOCG type copper deposits (Iron Oxide Copper-Gold Deposits). In the deposit, the REE carrier minerals have been identified as follow: allanite, titanite ...

As ASEAN countries, including Vietnam, approach the living standards of developed countries, their copper demand is set to rise. This study investigates Vietnam's copper stock and flow from 1995 to 2050, employing dynamic material flow analysis and five socioeconomic pathway scenarios (SSPs). Based on this, the secondary copper reserves of …

The IOCG Sin Quyen deposit is located in the Red River shear zone of North Vietnam. The ore bodies are known as hydrothermal veins and are hosted in Proterozoic metapelite. A block modelling approach was used to build a 3D model of the ore bodies. An analysis was carried out on SurferR 11 computer software using the archival data recorded …

Vietnam [1]. The Sin Quyen deposit is the largest IOCG deposit in this area and is actively mined. The copper grade in the ore ranges from 0.55% to 1.93%, and the iron from a few percent up to several tens of percent [1-3]. The ore reserves of this deposit are reported as 550,000 t Cu, 334,000t REE, 843,000 t S, 34.7t Ag and 25.3 t Au [4-7].

DOI: 10.1016/J.RGG.2012.03.005 Corpus ID: 140703653; The Sin Quyen Cu–Fe–Au–REE deposit (northern Vietnam): composition and formation conditions @article{Gaskov2012TheSQ, title={The Sin Quyen Cu–Fe–Au–REE deposit (northern Vietnam): composition and formation conditions}, author={Ivan V. Gaskov and Tran Tuan Anh and Trang Trong Hoa and Pham Thi …