Trekiverse: Picard Crusher Pairing ENT TOS AOS TNG DS9 VOY MIS - FAQs. A Quick Swim. by DocBevCulver. Series: TNG Codes: P/C, PWP ... Crusher is finally ready to admit her feelings but an 'incident' on the Enterprise puts her in mortal danger. Picard to the rescue? Time is of the essence as he takes the ship and her crew on a dangerous mission ...
Star Trek: Picard is the eighth main series set in the Star Trek universe, the ninth including the companion series Star Trek: Short Treks, and the eleventh Star Trek series overall. Picard is produced by CBS Studios and stars Patrick Stewart, reprising the role of Jean-Luc Picard from Star Trek: The Next Generation. [1] The new series is set twenty years after the events of Star …
A devastating revelation about Jack alters the course of Picard's life forever – and uncovers a truth that threatens every soul in the Federation. The final battle begins as Picard and his crew race to save the galaxy from annihilation – but not without a gut-wrenching cost. "Nothing is more elusive than a door the mind doesn't wish to open," Troi says, as Jack Crusher stares down the ...
Captain Picard took command of the USS Enterprise-D in 2364, with Beverly Crusher appointed the ship's chief medical officer. Picard initially had severely mixed feelings about Beverly's presence on the Enterprise, both due to his latent romantic feelings for her and the fear that she blamed him for Jack's death. Despite Picard's concerns, he and Beverly …
(Pat; ST:TNG/Mistral) Crusher and Picard visit Eebron, a world gifted with an unusual ability, but facing what may be the end of their civilization. Touching (Ron; ST:TNG/Mistral) Crusher and Picard meet the Kiyaadi, a race whose physical touch is poisonous to one another. Simple actions that humans take for granted inspire fear and awe in ...
Ensign Jack Crusher was a 25th century Human Federation Starfleet officer assigned to the USS Enterprise-G. He was the son of Admirals Jean-Luc Picard and Beverly Crusher. Crusher was conceived on Casperia Prime and attended school in London, England, on Earth. He acquired his English accent while there and according to his mother, never quite shook it. (PIC: "Seventeen …
Attached: Directed by Jonathan Frakes. With Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn. Captain Picard and Dr. Crusher discover things about one another when they are captured by an opposing alien race, due to the fact that the Enterprise has come to allow the planet's other civilization the choice of being part of the Federation.
Pat and Ron are writers and Star Trek fans. Our work includes: Star Trek fan fiction — available to read free on this site (coming soon eventually) — radio plays created for performance in a planetarium setting. Most take historical events and recast them into an outer space setting, such as Mutiny on the Starship Bounty, The Martian Missile Crisis, and Endurance in Space.
Welcome to Warp Five, StarTrek's five question post-mortem with your favorite featured talent from the latest Star Trek episodes. With the third and final season of Star Trek: Picard all out for the world to enjoy, all the mysteries of who, and what, is Jack Crusher has been laid bare. The course of his life changed dramatically once he boarded the U.S.S. Titan; and …
Picard rescuing his son, Jack Crusher (Ed Speleers), from his destiny as Vox of Borg was the key to saving the galaxy. At the risk of killing Picard, Jack, Captain Will Riker (Jonathan Frakes), and Captain Worf (Michael Dorn), the Enterprise destroyed the Borg Cube from within. Luckily, Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis) was able to locate ...
Jean-Luc Picard was a celebrated Starfleet officer, archaeologist, writer, historian, diplomat, and philanthropist, who served throughout much of the 24th century. The highlights of his career were centered around assignments as commanding officer of the Federation starships USS Stargazer, USS Enterprise-D, and the USS Enterprise-E. In these roles, Picard not only witnessed major …
The SS Eleos XII (NAR-59019) was a Phoenix-class civilian Federation starship that was in service during the early 25th century. It was affiliated with the Mariposas and operated by Doctor Beverly Crusher and her son, Jack Crusher. (PIC: "The Next Generation") In 2401, Beverly Crusher and her son Jack used the Eleos to hide from unknown assailants. They managed to …
On his way to Starfleet Academy, Wesley Crusher must care for an injured Captain Picard after their shuttle crashes on a desert moon. Ensign Wesley Crusher comes running onto the bridge and apologizes to Captain Picard for being ten minutes late. Picard chastises the young man, then, smiling, informs the young ensign that a position has opened in this year's class at …