Since I have made a quarry moving on from turtles I need a good power source I tried to use my main power source which is 6 magmatic enginges powering all of my needs, except for the quarry. I'm looking for an efficient way of powering my quarry. I'm not sure of any good power source except for magmatic enginges but they seem to not work well ...
I'd love to get a quarry set up, but am unsure about the best/various ways to power one! I used to use an energy link, but as of the new version, I really have no idea what the options are! I tried searching for this info online, but the pure amount of results in combination with the lack of version documentation are a bit frustrating.
They default to the max of 100 MJ/t which would indeed burn through the cell very quickly. Turn it down to a number just a bit over your input power to get it to last a long time but also use up the stored power so you aren't wasting any. I assume you know you need to connect power from the MFSU to the electrical engines btw.
Ways To Power a Quarry. Quarries can be powered using MJ, BuildCraft's form of power, ... Engines must be used. When using EU to power a Quarry, an Energy Link is the best option however to get the most power into the quarry and make it as fast as possible use adjustable engine which will need power but the end result is much better Using ...
The Quarry must be powered by one or more engines. Quarries have an internal buffer of energy, and require a few seconds to charge. Approximately 9MJ/t is enough to keep a quarry continuously running (without pausing between actions), but a quarry will use up to 32MJ/t at maximum speed (increased from 9MJ/t previ…