Traditional surveying and measurement teams use techniques like drilling into stockpiles and LiDAR equipment to gauge material volume. However, innovative technology has delivered a "game changing" solution for aggregate producers: the URC Ventures Stockpile Reports Lite iPhone app can measure stockpiles more quickly and easily than ever before.
4. 1. INTRODUCTION Estimating hydrocarbon reserves is a complex process that involves integrating geological and engineering data. Depending on the amount and quality of data available, one or more of the following methods may be used to estimate reserves: • Volumetric • Material balance • Production history • Analogy Volumetric estimates of OOIP and …
• Calculate the potential reserves encountered by a discovery well. • Identify the upside potential in a mature field. In all these situations, the bottom line is ... (OOIP) volumetric calculation is: Metric: OOIP (m3) = Rock Volume * ! * (1- S w) * 1/B o Where: Rock Volume (m3) = 104 * A * h A = Drainage area, hectares (1 ha = 104m2)
The year 2011 involved a number of major quarry acquisitions that have created a great deal of interest from smaller quarry operators as to the value implications to their quarries.. Every quarry is unique, and even if one shares the same geology as another quarry, it is often located in different markets, and may have specific planning conditions or other licensing …
A quarry appraisal mimics the thought process of a mining investor. Two concepts are at play: analysis of mining technical factors, and market conditions.In the real estate industry, appraisers are well-accomplished at gathering historical market data. In the mining industry, engineers and geologists are experts at assessing minerals and determining what could actually be profitably …
At the quarry:" Development or confirmation of the estimate of volume of remaining material in-place that can be mined and sold in the market" A review of the quality of the material at the site" Estimation of the probable profitability of the operation given the location of the mine, the local land use, and the environmental
The accurate calculation of ore reserves is one of the most important functions under- taken at a potential or operating mine. In recent years there has been a trend towards recommending more and more complex techniques for the calculation of reserves. However these are not always necessary and many improvements could be made by the use of all potential data and a …
bodyweight value. Thus, we can ensure that the analytical calculation results are in a reasonable estimation process. Keywords: Block modeling, Geological database, Reserve modeling, Reserve estimation, SURPAC. 1. Introduction: The advancement in computer technology has started the development of software applications. SURPAC
Then the spreadsheet will calculate a rough estimate of the gold content. Important points to remember; Accuracy is crucial, particularly assessing the wet weight of the specimen! When you are weighing the specimen suspended in water it must not touch the bottom or side of the container; The estimate of the gold content is just that, an estimate.
An appraiser blindly relies on an owner estimate of mineral reserves One critical input to the quarry DCF model is the number of units for sale. Blindly relying on an owner- estimate, or geologic, but non-mining report such as a "geotechnical report", or "quantities" calculation, can enable a property owner to nearly write a blank check for the ...
Terrain Modeling | Calculate Volumes.This will activate the dialogue box below. Figure 3: Volume / surface properties calculation dialogue Note: To calculate volumes via this method, you must have created 2 terrain models and saved them in separate files. The first terrain model (surface A) is always the current Terrain. The Terrain Modeling | Calculate Volumes is …
Objectives: Plan and Operate the Quarry coherently with the Raw material strategy and management of reserves and how to explore the optimum use of Low Grade ore for Mineral Conservation and Sustainable Mining in India. Name of the Mine: Dungri Limestone Quarry Name of the company: Bargarh Cement Works of ACC Ltd.
Also, the geometric method based on triangular blocks, is applied to calculate the reserve and grade estimate of the limestone deposit. Subsequently, the results from both methods (i.e., geostatistical and geometric) are compared, and the observed differences are evaluated and analysed. ... The basement rock exposures in the study area are ...
The word "tonnage" itself can mean a lot of things. We can use tonnage to describe the sizing of an HVAC system or how much a ship weighs. Basically, tonnage is the weight in tonnes (or tons for short) of massive volume objects, such as the contents of a cargo ship or earthworks like rocks and gravels.. This calculator focuses on the latter, particularly the different aggregates used in ...
To estimate the mineable reserves, owners need reasonably reliable information, and in some cases owners engage an engineer to perform test borings at certain locations and depths across the property. The owner/operator would then develop a mining plan based upon the mineable reserves, which would result in a residual amount that they could pay ...
Calculator | Kinsella Quarries. Common materials that are measured in cubic yards include concrete, gravel, sand, rock, fill dirt, top soil, mulch, etc. To calculate cubic yards, measure the length, width, and depth of the area that you plan to cover. Multiply the length, width, and depth together. Divide that product by 27 to convert to cubic ...