This paper re-examines the Itakpe iron ore deposit using geostatistics and artificial neural network techniques. Set of exploration information on the depo ... using geostatistical method: a case study anomaly no. 12a iron deposit in central Iran. J Geol Soc India 81:581–585. Article Google Scholar Nezamolhosseini SA, Mojtahedzadeh SH ...
China generates 1.5 tons of iron ore tailings for each ton of iron ore concentrate.21,22 In this country, the annual production of iron ore tailings reaches about 180 million tons and is increasing.23 In India, between 10-12 million tons of iron ore tailings are extracted in the form of ultrafine waste.24 In Australia, it is estimated that ...
concentration characteristics of an ore. ©JASEM Itakpe iron ore deposit is a magnetite-hematite mineralization consisting of 14 ore layers of economic value ranging in grade predominantly from 14%Fe to 41%Fe with an overall average grade of 36%Fe(NIOMC Project Report; 1980, Vol. 2). It is located in Latitude 07 °36'20"N and Longitude
Two iron ore samples from Nigeria have been examined using TG, DTA, EGA, XRD, and optical and electron microscopy. Itakpe iron ore is hematite-rich, this mineral being intergrown with magnetite, and silica is the major impurity. Agbaja ore is an acidic oölite ore consisting of goethite and magnetite, with alumina, silica and phosphorus as ...
Similar iron stones have been found as caps of varying dimensions on some Cretaceous successions of the Illumeden and Niger embayments notably around Koton karfe and Bida basin. The Lokoja- Okene Iron Ore deposit (Central Nigeria) The most notable iron ore occurrence in this region include Itakpe,Ajabanoko,Ochokochko,T ajimi,Agbado-Okudu, Ebiya,
The Itakpe iron ore deposit, situated along the Okene-Lokoja area, is reported to be the purest and most prominent iron ore [22,23], interbedded within the Migmatite Gneiss Complex of the Precambrian Basement Rocks. ... Schematic diagram showing the data processing flow chart in this study. 2.1.1. First vertical derivative (1VD)
ore with high percentage of fine mineral components. The Itakpe iron ore deposit in Nigeria which has a total estimated reserve of about 182.5 million metric tonnes consists mainly of quartzite with magnetite and hematite (Soframines, 1987). The deposit has been developed to supply iron ore concentrates to Ajaokuta
The National Iron Ore Mining Company (NIOMCO) Itakpe is a Parastatal under the supervision of the Federal Ministry of Mines and Steel Development in Nigeria The FGN by Decree No. 19 of April 1971, established the Nigeria Steel Development Authority (NSDA) to plan, operate and maintain Iron Ore Steel plants in the country as well as to carry out ...
of Radiological Impacts due to Natural Radioactivity Around Itakpe Iron-Ore Mines O. M. Isinkaye*, S. Adeleke and D. A. Isah Department of Physics, Ekiti State University, P.M.B. 5363, Ado Ekiti, Nigeria Received: 08 January 2018 / Accepted: 12 April 2018 / Published online: 3 May 2018 Metrology Society of India 2018
The resulting material has a self-cementing tendency, and the finely ground portion may be added to cement to produce a Equatorial Journal of Engineering (2018) Conclusion The results obtained from this work showed that with careful design, it is possible to design a production process that will produce 1.5MT of steel from Itakpe iron ore since ...