Refraction was the first method used in seismic prospecting. It has a major applicability in shallow investigation, being frequently used in geology and hydrogeology investigations. The method is based on tracking and analyzing the seismic waveswhich are refracted on a surface that separates two different medi…
For tunneling in complex geological conditions, effective and accurate advanced prospecting techniques are required to detect unexpected geological heterogeneities in front of the tunnel face. Reverse time migration (RTM) method is a promising method to image the geological changes based on seismic forward-prospecting data acquired in tunnels. However, …
Types of Geophysical Methods. Geophysical methods can be broadly categorized into two main groups: non-seismic methods and seismic methods. These methods utilize different physical principles to investigate the subsurface and provide valuable information about the Earth's interior. Here's an overview of each category: Non-Seismic Methods. a.
Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum, 59(2): 159–168 (in Chinese with English Abstract) Google Scholar Liu, G. C., Chen, X. H., Guo, Z. F., et al., 2011. Missing Seismic Data Rebuilding by Interpolation Based on Curvelet Transform. Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 46(2): 237–246 (in Chinese with English Abstract)
Many improved seismic prospecting methods have been proposed since the early 1990s. The tunnel seismic prospecting method adapts Vertical Seismic Profiling (VSP) and multi-wave seismic exploration technology developed by the petroleum industry. VSP is often used in oil exploration, reservoir characterization.
The seismic method makes use of the properties of the velocity of sound. This velocity is di erent for di erent rocks and it is this di erence which is exploited in the seismic method. When we create sound at or near the surface of the earth, some energy will be re ected back (bounced back). They can be characterized as echoes.
The tunnel seismic ahead prospecting method is usually used to estimate adverse geology ahead of a tunnel face. The observation system plays an important role in tunnel seismic ahead prospecting, which helps to obtain accurate imaging results. Optimizing the observation system is a key issue for seismic ahead prospecting. In this paper, observation layouts are …
The seismic ahead-prospecting method is useful to detect anomalous zones in front of the tunnel face. However, most existing seismic detection method is designed for drilling and blasting tunnel. The detection method should be improved to satisfy the rapid tunneling of Tunnel Boring Machines (TBMs). This study focuses on reducing the time spent ...
ABSTRACT Due to high metal prices and increased difficulties in finding shallower deposits, the exploration for and exploitation of mineral resources is expected to move to greater depths. Consequently, seismic methods will become a more important tool to help unravel structures hosting mineral deposits at great depth for mine planning and exploration. These methods also …
The seismic texture attributes were extracted using the GLCM and GLRLM. The research results indicate that the texture attributes calculated by both methods are responsive to fractures, with the 45° and 135° gray level inhomogeneity texture attributes based on the GLRLM showing better identification effects for fractures.
5.1 Methods We have seen from the previous discussion that a medium having anomalous structural features affects both velocity and direction of a propagating seismic wave. Observation of such effects is the essence of seismic prospecting. In fact all types of waves (reflected, refracted, and direct) have been employed in this type of investigation.
In the frame of the project geophysical field work were done in some parts of Tbilisi. Seismic prospecting measurements were done along some profiles. ... CC Attribution 3.0 License. Site classification map for Tbilisi using seismic prospecting methods Nino Goguadze (1), Aleko Gventcadze (1), Vakhtang Arabidze (2), Emil Tsereteli (3), and ...
The basic principle of all seismic methods is the controlled generation of elastic waves by a seismic source in order to obtain an image of the subsurface. Seismic waves are pulses of strain energy that propagate in solids and fluids. ... Shover shear-wave generation by vibration orthogonal to the polarization. Geophysical Prospecting, 29, 541 ...
the fundamental objectives of seismic prospecting. The only accurate method of determining velocities in the field is the method of profiles. A profile is established by firing a series of explosive charges at various points along a straight line which termi-nates at a seismograph. Or, amounting to the same
a radical revision of the foundations (physical and geological) of seismic prospecting by the method of reflected waves. The circumstances and far-reaching consequences of this transition are discussed in the section entitled "Transition from simple to multiple systems of observations and some of its consequences." Precisely at this
Definition of seismic prospecting. A method of geophysical prospecting in which vibrations are set up by firing small explosive charges in the ground or by other artificial sources. Precise measurements of the resulting waves are taken, from which the nature and extent of underlying strata are revealed.
Seismic characterization and imaging of soils can be achieved using a wide variety of methods addressing wave phenomena including refraction and reflection of pressure waves and dispersion of surface waves (Steeples, 2005).High amplitude surface waves dominate the seismograms and there is an increased interest in their application for characterizing soils (e.g., soil compaction …
method using seismic prospecting method in TBM tunneling was proposed. Firstly, the seismic prospect-ing method adopted was introduced. The velocity distributions and imaging results were carried out by the ellipse evolving and migration method respec-tively. Secondly, based on the systematic numerical