FREEGOLD CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINES (OPERATIONS) LIMITED (PRESIDENT STEYN MINE) Respondent. and in the matter between. NATIONAL UNION OF MINEWORKERS. ... With regard to the future of the President Steyn Mine, the management announced that it had arranged a road show for shafts numbers 5, 6 and 7 to share labour …
President Steyn Gold Mines. City: Welkom. Postal: 9459. Administrative region: Free State (province) Country: South Africa. Contacts 4 Contacts for Thistle Mining Inc. Gerrit Kennedy CEO. Alexey Kruzhkov Board of Directors: Esme Kennedy Sec. Andreas Graetz CFO. About. Thistle Mining Inc is located in Welkom.
(A) The order of the Labour Appeal Court is set aside and replaced by the following: "1. The appeal against the dismissal by President Brand. Mine, President Steyn Mine and Freddies Mine of those. who participated in the stay-away on 5 and 6 September. 1989 is upheld. 2. The order of the Industrial Court is set aside and. replaced by the following:
Mr Geyser of President Steyn Gold Mines instructed writer in your presence during our 12:00 discussions to draft a sale agreement in terms whereof Charnina Investment purchase the hostel building situated at President Steyn Gold Mines' No 1 shaft from President Steyn Gold Mines. 2. Writer from the outset advised both yourself and Geyser that ...
This the No 1 Shaft of the President Stein South Operations which comprised the President Steyn 1 and 2 shafts together with the 1A vent shaft. In addition, the treatment plant and head office are based at this location. It was formerly operated by Pamodzi Gold and Thistle Mining but is now part of Harmony Gold's Freestate Operations. The producing shafts, which are developed to a …
President Brand Gold Mine – Plant. 09/09/2023. School at President Steyn Gold Mine in 1957. 09/09/2023. Bongiwe chantell on A 1988 aerial view of Freddies Mine. Sixolile Jacisa on ... A family in the garden of one of the cottages for married mine workers at Freddies Gold Mine. Read more. ia Mine – Sulphuric Acid Plant.
The following teams were champions of their tribal groups: Nyasa (Makomani) of the Western Holdings Gold Mine, Ngoni (Shangaan) of the Loraine Gold Mine, Basotho of the President Steyn Gold Mine, Amakwaya (Shangaan) of the Welkom Gold Mine, Xhosa of Free State Geduld, Amakwenkwe (Xhosa) of the Welkom Gold Mine, Pondomesi of the Loraine …
First, until 1998 Anglo American was the largest gold mining house with 11 gold mines within its group. AASA's potential silicosis liability is by far and away the largest of any company. Secondly, through their extensive and integral involvement in the President Steyn litigation, Leigh Day and Mbuyisa Neale have acquired a detailed knowledge ...
Pamodzi's President Steyn gold mine Welkom, South Africa — MININGREVIEW — 20 March 2009 – Pamodzi Gold Limited – a JSE-listed South African junior gold mining company with assets in the Witwatersrand gold basin – has received a R200 million offer from Virgile Mining for its President Steyn gold mine, in the Free State province. …
A mine formerly operated by President Stein Mining Company and Thistle Mining but with Harmony Gold's acquisition of Pamodzi Gold's Free State assets, the Steyn 2 shaft has been included in the operational management of Bambanani. During fiscal 2010, the Company acquired the President Steyn 1 and 2 shafts, Loraine 3 and the Freddies 7 and 9 shafts, along with the …
PRESIDENT STEYN GOLD MINES (FREE STATE) (PTY) LTD Target firm _____ Panel : DH (Presiding Member), N Manoim (Tribunal Member), and U Bhoola (Tribunal Member) Heard on : 7 November 2007 Decided On : 9 November 2007 REASONS FOR DECISION Approval [1] The Tribunal unconditionally approved the merger between Pamodzi Gold and President ...
Location Maps - President Steyn Mine, Welkom, Matjhabeng Local Municipality, Lejweleputswa District Municipality, Free State, South Africa These map resources refer to external websites, and as such links are outside of the control of mindat they may from time to time fail to work, some may also not be as accurate as we would wish.
Evander (incl Kinross, Leslie, Bracken and Winkelhaak mines) Free State Geduld; HJ Joel / Joel; Kloof (including Leeudoorn from 1 Jan 1993, Libanon and Venterspos) Loraine (Shafts 1,2 and 3) Mponeng (South Mine WDL 1) President Steyn; Saaiplaas 2,3; South Deep; Steyn 1,2 (to Kades Barnea, Pamodzi, Bambanani) Unisel; Vaal Reefs 11 (Moab Khotsong)