Reinforced concrete beams strengthened with CFRP plate have a 10% to 50% higher flexural capacity than unplated beams depending on the value of the tensile reinforcement ratio. Failures in reinforced concrete beams with small reinforcement ratios (1% and 1.5%) are debonding failures due to the delamination of CFRP plates.

Results of an experimental investigation of isolated reinforced concrete structural walls subjected to inelastic load reversals are discussed and evaluated. Walls subjected to significant inelastic deformations and with strengths limited by concrete crushing of the web after flexural yielding are considered in this paper.

The Concrete Damage Plasticity (CDP) model is a widely used constitutive model to represent the non-linear behavior of concrete in numerical analysis. However, a limited number of studies compared the level of accuracy of numerical models with the main code provisions from the literature. In addition, the influence of CDP material parameters on the structural behavior …

A highly efficient, low-carbon crushing technology is urgently needed for recycling demolished reinforced concrete (RC) components. Static pressure crushing (SPC), based on fragmentation theory, is a proposed solution. This paper presents a numerical model and a corresponding quantitative analysis method for the SPC of RC components.

reinforced concrete meeting th e requirements of ASTM A 820. ... ability to resist crushing loads; however, its tensile strength is only about 10% of its compressive strength. Its tensile strength is so low that it is nearly disregarded in design of most concrete structures. Reinforced concrete is a combination of adequate

CRUSHING OF REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURAL WALLS. Results of an experimental investigation of isolated reinforced concrete structural walls subjected to inelastic load reversals are discussed and evaluated. Walls subjected to significant inelastic deformations and with strengths limited by concrete crushing of the web after flexural ...

CRACK IDENTIFICATION IN REINFORCED CONCRETE BEAMS USING ANSYS SOFTWARE L. Dahmani,a A. Khennane,b UDC 539.4 ... ANSYS 8.0, is employed for the numerical analyses. Using SOLID65 solid elements, the compressive crushing of concrete is facilitated using plasticity algorithm while the concrete cracking in tension zone is …

reinforced concrete can be successfully accomplished in multipurpose or special FEM computer programs. Considerable advancement in the subject of shear was made with the development of softened truss models (MCFT [5], RA-STM [6], FA-STM [7], CSMM [8, 9], etc.) which recognize cracked reinforced concrete as a new material

Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) bars, are noncorrosive material and utilized as a substitute for steel bars in concrete structures to overcome the insufficient durability of conventional steel-bar reinforced concrete (RC) [1].Nevertheless, the lower elastic moduli of the typically used glass fiber-reinforced polymer (GFRP) and BFRP bars lead to FRP bars …

As shown in Fig. 14 (a), after 10, 20, and 30 wet-dry cycles, the initial crushing stresses of 0.6 % fiber-reinforced ed concrete are 54.57 %, 37.82 %, and 35.50 % higher than that of ed concrete without fiber. Simultaneously, the crushing curves further deviate from the ideality curve under wet-dry cycles.

Develops a methodology for the determination of the crushing strength of reinforced concrete membranes with two-way orthogonal reinforcement on the basis of theoretical considerations and experimental results. It differs from previous work in this area with respect to two principal features. First, whereas previous strength expressions are ...

The crushing mode of reinforced concrete beams was spalling of the external concrete protective layer, and the crushing mode of reinforced concrete columns is formation of one main crack in the extended longitudinal direction. Multiple cracks also appeared in the transverse direction of the columns, but the width of the cracks was relatively small.

DOI: 10.14359/770 Corpus ID: 135748951; Strength Deterioration due to Bond Slip and Concrete Crushing in Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Members @article{Youssef1999StrengthDD, title={Strength Deterioration due to Bond Slip and Concrete Crushing in Modeling of Reinforced Concrete Members}, author={Maged A. Youssef and …

DOI: 10.1016/j.engstruct.2024.118902 Corpus ID: 272542639; Simulation study on static pressure crushing performance of demolished reinforced concrete beams for recycling @article{Ning2024SimulationSO, title={Simulation study on static pressure crushing performance of demolished reinforced concrete beams for recycling}, author={Jiaqian Ning and Jianzhuang …

The strength, or capacity, of a reinforced concrete beam can be determined by considering the equilibrium of tensile and compressive forces at any cross section. Failure of the beam occurs either with crushing of the concrete within the compression region; or yielding of the tension steel, followed by compressive crushing of the concrete.

The water absorption and crushing index of recycled brick aggregates can be reduced by up to 20% and 8.1%, respectively; the compressive strength and tensile strength of recycled brick aggregate concrete can be increased by up to 16.7% and 11.7%, respectively. ... Alyaseen [1] reported that microbial-reinforced concrete has a greater benefit− ...

Nonlinear finite element (FE) analysis of reinforced concrete (RC) structures is characterized by numerous modeling options and input parameters. To accurately model the nonlinear RC behavior involving concrete cracking in tension and crushing in compression, practitioners make different choices regarding the critical modeling issues, e.g ...

The crushed concrete was similar to that in the sieve size of 40 mm qualitatively. Fig. 10 shows the photo of crushed concrete in the sieve size of 10 mm, which is in ranging from 10 to 20 mm. The most fibers were removed in this case. Fig. 11 shows the photo of crushed concrete in the sieve size of 2.5 mm, which is in ranging from 2.5 to 5 mm ...