High-gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) is an analytical technique used to isolate magnetic species from a nonmagnetic environment utilizing column flow.It was originally proposed for use in mineral beneficiation, water and waste treatment, chemical processing, and separation of micron-size magnetic particles (Oberteuffer, 1973, 1974).Fig. 3 shows …

The HGMS is a member of the regional South Central Federation of Mineral Societies (SCFMS) and the national American Federation of Mineralogical Societies (AFMS). It is also affiliated with the American Lands Access Association (ALAA) and with S.C.R.I.B.E. (Special Congress Representing Involved Bulletin Editors). SCFMS.

HGMS is effective in separating or filtering fine and weakly magnetic particles and widely applied in mineral processing, water treatment, cell and protein purification. The magnetic matrix is a crucial device used in magnetic separator to generate high magnetic field gradient and provide surface sites for capturing magnetic particles.

The specific capacity of the HGMS depends very much on the material to be processed and testing is always required. Due to the unique magnetic system and design of the HGMS very large unit capacities can be provided. The HGMS separators are available in several sizes and magnetic ratings to suit each indi-vidual application.

The Houston Gem and Mineral Society (HGMS) was originally founded as the Houston Rock and Lapidary Club on December 7, 1948. The name was changed to the current one in April, 1955. The club's first exhibition show was held at the Houston Garden Center in April 1957, and the first dealer show was held in April 1963 at the Shamrock Hilton Hotel.

Technically WHIMS is distinquished from HGMS by the direction of slurry flow being perpendicular to the lines of magnetic flux (Ex. a "C" circuit) rather than parallel (Ex. canister filter). For a typical application, the characteristic matrix size, (in this case ball diameter), and magnetization are established by matrix selection leaving ...

To this end, HGMS is proud to offer three scholarships that will be awarded in 2024-2025 academic year. The deserving students should be majoring in Earth Science, Lapidary Arts, Jewelry Design, or related curriculum, and entering their third year of study at a university or transferring to a four-year curriculum from a two-year college ...

For any HGMS members not familiar, the annual Tucson Gem & Mineral Show, held in February in Tucson, AZ is probably the largest gem, mineral and fossil show on Earth. It's actually 40+ shows at various locations around the city. Attending this show can be a life changing event. Vendors come from all over the world to Tucson.

HGMS can thus be viewed as a stochastic process in which the chance of a particle reporting into the magnetic fraction is the product of two probability terms: Probability of Probability of particle-matrix x collision recover3~ into the mags probability of retention on the matrix While the first term is controlled by the hydrodynamic and ...

With Eqs. (24) – (26), trajectories of particles around circular matrix in axial HGMS could be depicted, as shown in Fig. 4.In axial HGMS, performance of matrix is estimated by the particle capture cross section (as shown by the dotted purple line in Fig. 4).For magnetic particles with radius R, capture cross section is defined by the inlet area …