Above ground, the material is transferred to another conveyor, a RopeCon system for example or it can be discharged onto stockpiles. Re-use of existing ventilation shafts is possible for this transport system. As the main drive is installed above ground, underground heat development is reduced. RopeCon– directly out of the pit

A RopeCon® system is ideally suited for transporting materials in inhospitable climates and with challenging topography. ... The structure of the conveyor belt with its wheel sets mounted at regular intervals provides additional stability to the material on the belt, so that RopeCon® is suited for steeper inclines than conventional conveyors. ...

The conventional overland conveyor is limited in ability with respect to gradient and alignment curvature. However, there are two less-traditional conveying systems worthy of evaluation against conventional conveyors for long-distance, large-capacity installations, the Cable Belt and the Ropecon Sys… read more

With this conveyor system it is possible to cover extremely long transport distances (up to 20 km), ... The RopeCon system replaced the previous transport with dumper trucks. Thus not only is there a saving in energy, but power is also fed back into the grid as well as pollution from exhaust gases, noise and dust being significantly reduced. ...

RopeCon® is a technology developed by the ropeway manufacturer Doppelmayr. The system offers the advantages of a ropeway and combines them with the properties of a conventional belt conveyor. It essentially consists of a flat belt with corrugated side walls. Just as on conventional belt conveyors, the belt performs the haulage function.

The conveyor will cross several roads, power and telephone lines, agricultural land and forests. With RopeCon®, only one system is required for bi-directional transport: both the coal and the clinker can be transported with one belt, one on the top belt, and the other on the bottom belt. The costs for one complete system can thus be saved.

connected by ropes, and a conveyor belt which will run the entire distance above ground. "The RopeCon system used on the Booysendal project is a unique system and a first of its kind in southern Africa; also currently noted as the longest RopeCon in the world," Badenhorst notes. The distance of the system is 4.7 km, Drive station under qpnstruction

The proven RopeCon® system is a combination of ropeway technology and conventional conveying technology. Track ropes will span 850m across the entire pit upon which the belt which transports the overburden will travel. The RopeCon® system includes a reversable second belt that will enable simultaneous conveying and emplacement activities ...

RopeCon Conveyors The RopeCon system combines ropeway and conventional conveyor belt technology (Fig. 3). The belt combines a flat steel cord belt with bonded corrugated rubber side walls and integrated wheel sets. The corrugated side walls are identical to those of ContiTech AG's proven Flexowell belt system that has

RopeCon is a technology developed by the ropeway manufacturer Doppelmayr. The system offers the advantages of a ropeway and combines them with the properties of a conventional belt conveyor. It consists of a flat belt with corrugated side walls. Just as on conventional belt conveyors, the belt performs the haulage function.

Tüfentobel RopeCon extended Since the year 2005, a RopeCon system has been transporting inert material which is used for backfilling a long-stretched valley at the Tüfentobel landfill site near the city of St. Gallen, Switzerland. The belt conveyor discharges the material onto a pile directly where it is to be used.

GUATEMALA – The successful start-up of Doppelmayr RopeCon aerial conveyor system which will transport limestone from the quarry to the area where it will be processed has recently taken place in Guatemala, about 35 km from the capital. The installation, which requires no more than four tower structures to cross a wooded terrain, has a length of approx. 1.6 km …

Maintenance would be difficult and costly. No previous infrastructure existed, and in the rugged, impenetrable area, a conventional conveyor belt would have required numerous individual sections. RopeCon ® is able cover the distance of 2.7 km in a single section. This system utilizes the given terrain structure and requires no more than three ...

Like a conventional conveyor, this system can be loaded by a transfer conveyor or by an ore pass. The material is transported to the surface on a conveyor belt. This belt is equipped with side walls and cleats, forming pockets for the material. Above ground, the material is transferred to another conveyor, another RopeCon® system or discharged ...

The RopeCon® system transports bulk and general cargo of all kinds, spans obstacles effortlessly and minimises the space required on the ground. ... The RopeCon® combines proven ropeway engineering with continuous conveyor technology. It transports the material on a flat belt with corrugated side walls. The belt performs the haulage function.

The decision was made in favor of a RopeCon® system. This solution generates significantly lower CO 2 emissions and environmental impacts compared with road haulage or the footprint associated with a conventional surface conveyor system. The RopeCon ® is a combination of ropeway technology and conventional conveying technology. At Bardon Hill ...

Total structural design of a building to house two pulp boilers, floor plan approx. 10m x 21m and 34m high, reinforced concrete frame construction with pile foundation, prepared to support a steel structure for a Ropecon conveyor system (Doppelmayr). Structural design of the entire substructure for the conveyor system's supports.

of material transport systems for a variety of appli-cations. No detours - straight forward and safe Efficient solutions don't have to be complicated. Our systems utilize natural topographies. They effortlessly span precipices, cross obstacles and transport your material safely and reliably. RopeCon ® Proven belt conveyor technology

In March 2016 a second RopeCon was finally installed directly into the rope support structure of the original system, which now discharges the material onto the new conveyor at a height of approximately 20m. The new system can operate in both directions. This allows for two different discharge points that can be fed alternately.

RopeCon ® is a technology developed by the ropeway manufacturer Doppelmayr. The system offers the advantages of a ropeway and combines them with the properties of a conventional belt conveyor. It essentially consists of a flat belt with corrugated side walls: Just as on conventional belt conveyors, the belt performs the haulage function.

Doppelmayr Transport Technology offers sophisticated material ropeway systems for various applications as well as RopeCon®, a long-distance conveyor which combines the advantages of ropeway engineering with those of belt conveyors, and RailCon®, a high capacity system for bulk material and unit load handling.

An innovative Doppelmayr Transport Technology surface conveyor system will allow Aggregate Industries to sustain quarrying activities at its newly extended Bardon Hill Quarry near Leicester, in Leicestershire, ... The RopeCon system includes a reversible second belt that will enable simultaneous conveying and emplacement activities. During the ...

RopeCon® is a technology developed by the ropeway manufacturer Doppelmayr. The system offers the advantages of a ropeway and combines them with the properties of a conventional belt conveyor. It essentially consists of a flat belt with corrugated side walls. Just as on conventional belt conveyors, the belt performs the haulage function.